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Open-Intelligence Open Source License
“Work” shall mean any work of authorship, whether in source or object code, made available under this License.
“Licensor” shall mean the copyright owner, or a person or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.
“User” shall mean an individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by this License.
“Distributor/Redistributor” shall mean an individual or legal entity that distributes the Work or its derivative work in any medium.
二. 著作权许可
1. 许可范围
(1) 对于本软件以源代码形式的再发布,必须保留本款第2项的许可条件、第三款的许可证声明、以及第六款的免责声明;
Copyright License
Scope of the License
The Licensor grants the User the right to use and redistribute the software work, whether revised or not, whether in source or executable code, provided that the User meets the following conditions set in Article 2.
Conditions of the License
You must retain, in the source code you distribute, the conditions set in Article 2, Section II, the License Notice in Section III, the Disclaimer Notice in Section VI.
You must attach, in the executable code you distribute, a file or other attachment that contains the conditions set in Article 2, Section II, the License Notice in Section III, the Disclaimer Notice in Section VI.
,For the use and distribution of commercial purpose, you must meet the conditions of Section V.
Regarding the notice “The Copyright owner promises to follow “Open-Intelligence Open Source Platform Management Regulation V1.0”, which is provided by The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (the AITISA), please refer to www.aitisa.org.cn.
Copyright (c) XXXX著作权由“著作权人名称”所有
[自愿性专利声明] 本软件以()方式提供专利许可。
License Notice
The License Notice is as follows:
Copyright (c) [xxxx] [Name of Copyright owner]
The software is released under the Open-Intelligence Open Source License V1.0.
[Voluntary Patent Announcement] The software is granted a patent license in a way of ( ).
The copyright owner promises to follow “Open-Intelligence Open Source Platform Management Regulation V1.0”, which is provided by The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (the AITISA)
1.对于不拥有本软件任何专利的使用者及再发布者,授予下列选项中的第( )项许可:
(1) 按照公平合理且非歧视性的条款提供免费许可(“FRAND RF”);
(2) 参加新一代人工智能产业技术创新战略联盟设立的专利池 (“POOL”);
(3) 按照公平合理且非歧视性的条款(“FRAND”)许可;
Patent License [Voluntary Patent Announcement]
If the Licensor owns a patent covering the Software,
He grants a license as the following ( )to any user or distributor that does not own any patent that cover the software:
A royalty free license under Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory conditions (“FRAND RF”);
Join a patent pool established by The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (the AITISA);
A license under Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory conditions (“FRAND”);
He may, grants a reciprocal patent license, to any user or distributor that also owns a patent that cover the software:
五. 商业使用
本软件的使用者及再发布者,应在为商业目的使用或再发布本软件(无论本软件是否经过修改)之前,登录网站www.aitisa.org.cn/OpenI_Statement/ 登记相关信息,至少包含:
如果为商业目的的使用者或再发布者拥有覆盖本软件的专利,该权利人还应在本款第1项的声明中披露该专利的基本信息,并明示就该专利对著作权人、第三方使用者及再发布者授予下列选项中的任意一项许可( ):
(1) 按照公平合理且非歧视性的条款提供免费许可(“FRAND RF”);
(2) 参加新一代人工智能产业技术创新战略联盟设立的专利池许可(“POOL”);
(3) 按照公平合理且非歧视性的条款许可(“FRAND”);
(4) 无许可(“NO LICENSE”)
Commercial Use
Registration of Commercial Use
For commercial use of the Software, regardless revised or not, any user or distributor of the Software, shall register the following information at www.aitisa.org.cn/OpenI_Statement/:
Contact of User/Distributor:
Purpose of the Use/Distribution (including name, brief description of the functions of Product, Software, or Application which the software is applied):
This registration information is for statistical purposes only, and the registrant has the right to restrict other uses, except for the publication of statistical results.
Patent License for Commercial Use
For commercial use of the Software, any user or distributor of the Software who owns a patent covering the Software shall also disclose related patent information in Article 1 of this Section, and expressly grant a license in any of the following manners to the copyright owner, distributor or a third party user ( ):
A royalty free license under Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory conditions (“FRAND RF”);
Join a patent pool established by The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance (the AITISA);
A license under Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory conditions (“FRAND”);
Regarding the license choice made by the user or distributor for commercial purpose, for the patent that the copyright owner owns covering the Software, if the copyright owner do not make any choice in the above Voluntary Patent Announcement, he hereby grant the user and distributor the same license chosen in this term.
本软件是由本软件的著作权人及本软件之贡献者以现状("as is")提供。
本软件不负任何明示或默示之担保责任,包括但不限于适售性、特定目的的适用性、及不侵权等默示性担保。本软件的著作权所有者及本软件之贡献者,无论任何条件、 无论成因或任何归责原则、无论此责任为因合约关系、无过错责任原则或因侵权(包括过失或其他原因等)而起,对于任何因使用本软件所产生的任何直接性、间接性、偶发性、特殊性、惩罚性或任何结果的损害(包括但不限于:替代商品或劳务之购用、使用损失、资料损失、利润损失、业务中断等等),不负任何责任,即使在该种使用已获事前告知可能会造成此类损害的情形下亦然。除上述专利声明所明示的授权外,本软件的使用还可能受限于其它的权利(包括专利权),在本许可证下,针对这些其它的权利(包括专利权),没有任何明示或默示的许可被授予任何人。
Disclaimer Notice
The Software is provided under this License by the copyright owner and other contributors on an “as is” basis.
This software does not provide any express or implied warranty, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The copyright owner and the contributors of the software, regardless of any conditions, regardless of the cause or any principle of liability, whether the responsibility is due to the contractual relationship, the principle of no-fault liability or due to infringement (including negligence or other reasons, etc.), are not responsible for any damage (including but not limited to: purchase of replacement goods or services, loss of use, loss of data, etc. arising from any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or any resulting damage arising out of the use of the Software, loss of profits, business interruptions, etc.), even if such use has been informed beforehand that such damage may occur. In addition to the express grants stated in the above patent announcement, the use of the software may also be subject to other rights (including patent rights). Under this license, there is no express or implied grant to anyone of these other rights (including patent rights).